Friday 27 February 2009

Ville's Lecture at the University of Helsinki

thanks to denisecky

Watch the Video

thanks DevilsxAngels
and here is the link to the video
Helsinki 13/1/09
Translated by: mhesh
The lecture was about creativity, titled “A Creative Life”, under the Faculty of Behavioural Sciences in the University of Helsinki.
I couldn’t hear everything he says, so please complete or fix this transcript if you can hear and understand it better. :)“Art is very subjective. It’s weird to hear... When I’ve written a song in a sad mood, and people use it as a wedding ballad, and they’re happily married, and they experience the song so differently than myself, it’s a bit weird occasionally.
But still, it doesn’t take from me away that feeling of ‘nothingness’, because that is what kills the analytical thinking at the cheese counter of music.”*People burst laughing*Topic turns to a subject what are the essentials to conquer the world.
“There are no limits, just like with you [refers to the professor].
You probably didn’t think of doing your career and professorship as quickly as possible, but for the fact that you were so into it.
The passion just got you – it’s like a whirlwind where you’re rolling and then you find yourself a place like this.”“—surprising associations.
The freedom of association is the foundation of everything in art. Keep everything open.”“—If you are afraid of that you won’t be able to produce, let’s say, the emotion that is extremely important for you, in melodies, then it’s better to let it rest for a while.
Because otherwise you screw up because you won’t be able to fulfil your own expectations that you have set for yourself. But if you screw up in, let’s say Hesari [I think he means Kallio, the ‘drunken’ area in Helsinki], that doesn’t matter.”
*Audience laughs*“
– Who am I to talk. All our albums sound the same. We’ve polished the format.”
*And more laugh*
“Try to do this, especially if you have children.
Turn off the TV for two weeks and see what it does to your ability to concentrate, and how it affects being awake in general. – Talking about ADHD and everything, the flood of information is so heavy that nobody can concentrate on anything.
It also associates with creating art.”

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