Sunday 17 May 2009

More from 'The Successful Rebel'

from pontiacgirl's livejournal

Another snippet from the book...

Hi Everyone;

I've just been begged to release another tiny excerpt from the book, but I must warn that anyone that reprints anything here MUST give full credit, as it reads at the bottom of the excerpts, and any pictures that we post MUST be credited as stated. In honor of Ville Valo's special day today, I thought that I would post another snippet of one of his interviews with me.

Thank you in advance for following the authors and the publishers directives and international copyright laws.

From "The Successful Rebel: Getting What You Want Without Losing Who You Are" by Tracey Cox with Melissa Ireland

Tracey: Ville, do you find in your creative process that at the end of working on a long project, like the one that you just finished off with Venus Doom, do you find that you go through almost a period of depression, or a let down?

Ville: Not really, not normally. I think it’s an ongoing process; that’s the part when the album’s done. You might have been writing songs for a couple of years, and you know, a song’s like a sponge, it sucks in all the information out of your soul when you’re working on it. The good and the bad and the ugly. In a sense the song does live its own life, still. It’s like a time machine, it does take me back to the emotional things I went through and also at the same time I’m trying to write the songs in a way that I might have a new angle to the song, five or six years later. Not to make it stick to a certain period of time, and a certain story. Keeping the message within the song open for me. So in that sense, it’s just the conscious stream of the music, and the songs never die and the process is ongoing.

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