Tuesday 26 May 2009

some HIM news....... in today's Iltasanomat, a Finnish newspaper

There's a small article on HIM in today's Iltasanomat, a Finnish newspaper. It says nothing new but here is a summary:- HIM does not do any festival appearances this year because it is recording a new album. Seppo Vesterinen says that the band does not want to make a mistake and interrupt recording process with live shows.- The journalist thinks this is strage as HIM has never before omitted Finnish rock festivals on such grounds.- The article also says that during the las two years the band has been touring diligently but not in Finland because all the venues are so familiar. There is alot of new, interesting venues abroad, however- Vesterinen says that HIM is having quiet life this year in terms of touring and publishing new music but laborous time in terms of recording.- The new album will be released next year.- According to Vesterinen, Ville has many new songs ready and waiting. More are being created all the time.

Posted by tuunaine on the official site


thank you, much appreciated

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