Sunday 3 May 2009

The Successful Rebel

Available from Trafford Publishing, August 2009
by Tracey L. Cox with Melissa Ireland

Ville Valo by Danielle Batone Photography

This interview is by Tracey Cox for her forthcoming book
The Successful Rebel: Getting What You Want Without Losing Who You Are

Chapter 7: It’s Not About the Piercings: It’s About Hard Work

The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.” - Tolstoy

The Successful Rebel doesn’t identify him or herself by the number of piercings or tattoos they have, by their clothing, their mannerisms or their makeup. Success must be backed up by years and years of commitment and dedication to the path you have sought. Any success that is not the result of sustained and vigilant effort is a false accomplishment; it will evaporate as quickly as it materialized.

Each and every one of our Successful Rebels spent years refining their craft, paying their dues, and sticking with it, even when that defied logic. Their internal rudder kept them on course, but they still needed to row.
Tracey: You were telling me before about how you still haven’t learned how to drive…and I thought that all of you rock stars had to go out and purchase a sports car immediately after your first success!

Ville: That’s the American rock star, right? But rock star is really not an occupation. I consider myself a musician.

Tracey: Yes, that’s right.

Ville: Yeah, a rock star is somebody who does a lot of drugs, does a lot of chicks, and behaves like a fucking asshole. That’s not really what I aspired to be when I was growing up.

Tracey: That has probably served you well, because some of the super rich that I’ve dealt with in my life seem to have completely lost perspective on what it means to be a decent person.

Ville: Well, it’s a different level when you don’t see the tree bearing the fruit of your labour, if you know what I’m saying…you just have a lot of money…and you think that a black Amex, that’s the keys to the Pearly Gate. Work is the key to the Pearly Gates, not the money. You know, making something, creating something that you feel comfortable with, creating your own puzzle out of yourself, and there’s always a piece of that puzzle missing. That’s why I’m writing a new song, trying to become whole. The journey is, as they say, a lot more important than getting to the destination.

From “The Successful Rebel: Getting What You Want Without Losing Who You Are” by Tracey Cox with Melissa Ireland.

Please visit our book’s website to be notified when available.

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