Tuesday, 7 July 2009

SPIN Earth Interview

this is the interview we've been waiting for by Mayra Dias Gomes

Ville Valo is pure poetry: a melancholic romantic who lives in a beautiful castle in exotic Helsinki with the lessons of a crazy past fueled by too much alcohol and drugs. A Tim Burton character, perhaps, who could only be played by Johnny Depp. (With his eyeliners on, of course.) A man who fights aggressive demons of love and death and doesn't mind when they embrace, because if they do, then something will come out of it.
Ville is about to release his seventh studio album with the successful Finnish band H.I.M., and hasn't been drinking for two years. Yet, his feelings seem to take him into psychodelic experiences. He will always dive into a violent ocean of black waves and come out with a fish to share with the people. In this case, it's "Screamworks: Love In Theory and Practice", which will be out on Valentine's Day 2010.
I met the instigating representative of Love Metal last week in Helsinki for a chat and some Red bull. He talked to me about love, relationships, literature, drugs and alcohol, and sent all of you Spin Earth viewers a message. Humble and sweet, he seemed eager to start speaking about the new phase in his life.
Find out more in this interview.

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