Sunday, 6 September 2009

Part 2 of the interview with Mayra Dias Gomes's

part 2

Deep Reflexion...

M: Have you been reading lately?
V: No, I usually read on tour, cause you don’t have TV’s or anything like that. It’s hard for me to concentrate at the moment.

M: What are your favorite authors?
V: I don’t have any. I am one of those guys that has maybe three thousand books at home and I have read five hundred. I liked Palahniuk at one point a lot. Chuck Pallahniuk, the guy that wrote "Choke" and all that.
M: I like him too.
V: Yeah, but then again he keeps on repeating himself.
M: Yeah, I agree.
V: Which is not necessarily a bad thing, it’s his signature mark, but it does gets a bit weird at some point. There is this guy called William Christopher, whatever... “Kiss Me Judas”, “Penny Dreadful”, and “The Anchors of Hell”. It’s a pretty good one. You’ll like it if you like Palahniuk. It’s like film noir, not film noir, but detective… Kind of fucked up. Lots of drugs, lots of sex and lots of gross things. But I’ve been really liking children’s books…

M: Children’s books?
V: Yeah, books with lots of pictures. Nature books and stuff like that. So there is not a lot of stuff to read actually, but I have a lot of books that I wanna start reading. I’ll probably start.

M: Like what?
V: Is it Scarlett Thomas that released a book called “Mr. Y”. No, “The Story of Mr. Y”, and now released something I just got… Well, a fascinating writer. A British writer, you should check it out. “The Story of Mr. Y”, which is very meaningful, very different. It’s like a Victorian novel mixed up in time and space. So there are different stories in different places happening at the same time. It’s good, it’s interesting.

M: Hey, since our weathers are so different… I am from Rio… I wonder, do you feel more inspired in the winter or summer time?
V: I don’t think that matters. It’s about the season in your heart.

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