Thursday 23 April 2009

Ville Valo talks about women

its an old but good interview,

Q: What's in common with the women you've ever loved? A: I've loved only one woman in my life. There have been crushes and they've been very different, some have had a regular daytime job and some have been artistic type. One thing in common is long hair. Short hair isn't sexy or feminine. But of course there are exceptions. I like sensitive and strong women. A woman should be extremely patient with me because half of the year I'm away from home. I'm so jealous of a person that an open relationship doesn't work. And I've never had one-night stands.

Q: How has your image of women changed since your teenage years? A: When my friends started to get interested in girls, I concentrated on music. I thought girls were scary and kinda useless. I don't think like that anymore. But my image of women changes all the time. Women surprise me every day.

Q: What has the life as a rock star taught you about women? A: That women can be vulgar beasts, just like from some rock legend. Because of my status lusty, high-heel chicks are trying to drag me to bed. They're trying to bolster their self-esteem. But I'll be strong.

Q: Lies that women believe? A: "Our band has to practice!" No, I'm pretty direct: if I want to stay in a bar with my friends or just be alone, I say it.

Q: How does a woman change when getting older? A: Everyone's got their own way. I know 50-60 year old women who are younger than teenagers; their whole being glows. Living the life routinely can kill you at a very young age, a little bohemianism is good. Of course physical changes are unavoidable. Debbie Harry and Faye Dunaway are good examples of beautifully ageing women. I understand plastic surgical acts, not the absolute value. But they're OK if they bring self-assurance to somebody and that way make people glow. It seems like every other woman has a complex about breasts. However, I like small boobs.

Q: What in a woman you pay attention to? A: I always notice long hair that's in a good shape, angel curls. I don't like hydrogen peroxide blondes. In some level I'm also a shoe fetishist. If the most beautiful woman in the world had awful shoes, it'd be a major turn-off. And it bothers me if a woman can't walk naturally. The voice is also very important. The catwalk people and a face in a magazine don't necessarily impress me. You can't build a relationship only on physical qualities.

Q: What kind of woman's behaviour makes you confused? A: A woman can go to the bathroom and leave the door open but a manly, an overflowing sexuality in a conversation makes me blush. Only one sentence can completely ruin my interest. I got really confused at a gig when some lady grabbed between my legs.

Q: What's your worst experience with a woman? A: All the unpleasant situations have only educated me. Even fighting is natural, although it is a pain in the ass. And it doesn't mean that after the first argument we'd break up. One horrible experience was when as a teenager I was at a party and I ended up making out with my crush. I had drunk a few beers too much and I threw up in the bed. I don't think it was a right way to show my affection. It happens.

Q: If you were a woman, what would you be like? A: I"d spend a hell of a lot more money on clothes than I do now. Guys only have boring suits, jeans than don"t fit well and ugly underwear. I"ve sometimes bought women"s pants (=trousers). As a woman I could spend money on useless things also. Spending is wonderful. Although I"ve always wondered about how women spend so much money on their appearance. I don"t understand these terrible expensive facial lotions that you put on your face at night. It"s useless. You can take care of yourself by not smoking and not drinking too much alcohol and by doing sports.

Q: What makes a woman un-erotic? A: Moustaches and long armpit hair doesn"t turn me on. Perfumes are also un-erotic, as is make up that is too strong. Nothing is more erotic than the smell of skin and it"s softness. Touch. But eroticism (is that a word?!) depends on the case. If the right woman carries her hair rollers the right way with a cucumber mask on her face, it can be the sexiest thing in the world.

Q: What"s the worst way to hurt/offend a woman? A: I don"t know about worst, but it"s offensive to ask a woman"s age. Age seems to be a taboo. I think it"s interesting to find out how old people are. I also have a bad habit of being ignorant, which causes hurtful situations. I don"t always necessarily notice if the other person needs or wishes for something. I have a moody and selfish personality: I prefer to take than to give. I don"t always remember to phone when I"ve promised to do so.

Q: When is a woman at her most wonderful? A: When she is sleeping. Unprotected, no roles.

Q: What is a wise/smart woman like? A: One who doesn"t go out with me. I"m completely incompetent of taking care of someone. Wisdom is having found a balance and being at one with yourself and the world. I don"t know anyone like that though. Everyone has some kind of a battle going on.

Q: What has been your worst mistake with your relationships? A: Not having a normal job and never being at home. It"s extremely difficult to maintain a relationship when you"re away half of the year. The phone is not enough. You can"t take your loved one with you to do nothing.

Q: When do you find it distracting to be around women? A: If my honey is at a gig I"m doing, it"s distracting because the telepathy starts to work straight away. Also, writing songs is a sensitive moment. I listen to the resonance (<-- not sure about the word here) of the highest strings of the guitar and wait for those to lead me into something. I don"t want anyone to be near me then. I also don"t want to be seen when I"m looking at Internet porn. Q: For how long can you go without female company? A: Physically, for as long as it"s necessary. Women aren"t objects that you look at only on weekends. Q: What have your parents taught you about women? A: I"ve had a liberal upbringing. My parents' still being together is a good example. My mom is a pretty eccentric character. I"ve inherited her temper. She"s an organized hippie: free mind and ways, but she has the ability to work according to rules. She takes care of me, she still buys me pillows and blankets. If I"m having some kind of relationship blues, we can talk about everything openly. Just like I can with my dad. I"ve gotten my verbal acrobatics from my dad, and that"s how I win people over. Q: What life advice about women would you give to your own son? A: Look at your dad and do the opposite. Treat women better than your dad does. Take showers and change your underwear that can impress women. Q: What about to your daughter about men? A: I"d be an overprotective father who wants to see every single potential boyfriend. To my teenage daughter with raging hormones I"d say that sex is not love. Q: What couldn"t you forgive a woman? A: If she forgot my birthday. Seriously: I haven"t come across a situation that extreme yet. You must be able to forgive mistakes and inconsideration. I could even forgive cheating, but something as cold as that would make me paranoid about my own abilities. After that it might be hard to be in physical contact with that lady. The relationship would die out. So far this hasn"t happened. Q: What"s the biggest compliment you"ve gotten from a woman? A: That despite my moody pseudo-artistic nature they still want to hold me again and again. It"s impossible to repay a compliment like that. I often hear something positive about my singing voice and that I look better in reality than on TV. But those compliments don"t really do anything for me since I know that I"m a good singer. It feels good if they compliment my songs. Q: When is a woman most scary? A: In the morning, if she"s still got last night"s make-up on her face. Q: In female company, when do you feel like a real man? A: What is a real man? Those words remind me of a macho man who boasts with his physique or wit. Q: What do you talk about with women? A: A lot of the same things I talk about with men. On the tour bus with the band guys I go to this Freudian anal stage, and that stuff I can avoid with women. But tour life isn"t normal life. Talking about fucking can be an enlightening discussion with a woman. Q: What words do you use most often when describing women? A: Whatever. I can call my female friends bitches or hags (note: it"s hard to think of correct translations for these words). It"s a bit harsh, but it"s meant in a humorous, friendly way, not as insults. Q: Is there something about you that is true, but that you wouldn"t want to hear a woman say? A: I think it"s all been said out loud. In that way I"m decorated with bullet holes. I"ve gotten remarks about being narrow-minded and stubborn. I"ve also heard that in many ways I"m a terrible person, and that really hurt me. When I was younger, I took myself too seriously, now I can laugh at my weaknesses. Even in serious situations I get a bit tongue-in-cheek. Q: What do you need a woman for? A: I need soul mates so that I can be who I am, naked. It"s not a question of gender. I want there to be someone who picks up my heavy, bleeding heart and takes it somewhere safe and warm. Q: How do you know when a woman is pretending? A: In her eyes, words, actions. I"ve developed a sixth sense, I can read people. Everyone fakes. And there"s nothing wrong with it, as long as you don"t base your whole life on it. Sometimes you must fake, because this hollow and hard world is full of hunter animals who can rip you apart. You need to watch out for your heart Q: Can a woman be treated like a man? A: Women don"t have any special privileges in this sense. You can just as well ask a woman for a beer or to a car show. Q: Is there something that a woman can"t manage without you? A: I believe that I"m a good listener. I also like to do physical things even though I"m not very good at many of them. I can hammer nails into a wall or pour plumbing cleaner down the drain, but these are things that girls can do also. Q: What personality trait can"t you stand in women? A: When they"re too proud or self-assured. I also don"t like it when they do nothing: I love people who are constantly doing things. Q: Have you ever cried over a woman? A: I don"t cry a lot, but the last tears I shed were over a relationship problem. I started to doubt whether I had given my heart to the right place and if I had in a way worn out a dear person and I should just let her go away. These issues of doubt and insecurity are heartbreaking. Q: How would you describe a Finnish woman? A: Familiar and safe. I can describe my feelings best in Finnish, which makes it a lot easier. Q: Are women deceitful? A: Both men and women cheat. I can"t say if men cheat more than women, it depends on the individual. Q: What"s the most difficult thing about living with a woman? A: I find it difficult to live in any kind of commune because I like to be alone. I find it restraining to be with someone all the time. I like to get involved in the meditative feeling of making music whenever I want to. That"s something that can"t be done nine to five, because it"s not routine. It"s routines that make it difficult to live with someone. It"s also difficult to close a door behind you knowing that the next time you open it is four months away. Music takes away time from the first love. Right after a long tour it"s hard to get comfortable at home because that"s the time when I need to be alone. In hotel life the service is good and your mess is cleaned up for you, and it"s easy to get used to this, and this creates problems at home. In my wildest years I maintained this illusion that everything is easy. All I need to do is play guitar in my underwear and go for a beer with my friends. But at home my clothes and CD"s have always been lying around on the floor - I find them more easily that way. Q: Is it possible to be just friends with a woman? A: Of course. You don"t always need romance. I have a lot of female friends. Q: Is there something that you wish women remember you by? A: The smell of my skin
here's the link to the interview
( don't know who to credit )

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